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Police charges 13 to court over armed robbery, others in Benue



The Benue State Police Command said that it had charged 14 suspects to court for various crimes.

The Command Public Relations Officer, SP Catherine Anene, stated this in a statement made available to journalists in Makurdi on Wednesday.

She said that the suspects were apprehended at various times in the state.

Six of the suspects were arrested for armed robbery at various locations in Makurdi, the state capital, while a suspected gun runner, who pretended to be a mourner, was apprehended along Vandeikya/Adikpo Road.

Anene further explained that three other suspects were arrested for operating illegal revenue collection in the capital.

“The fight against criminality in Benue State has been sustained as evident in the relative peace being enjoyed in the state.

“During the period under review, ten cases have been charged to court with more than 14 suspects arraigned, six guns and 26 live ammunition recovered,” the statement read in part.

Spokesperson for the Command said that the State Commissioner of Police, Wale Abass, had reiterated his commitment to creating an enabling environment for economic activities to thrive and warned that perpetrators of evil acts would be dealt with in accordance with the law.