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Police lied, my sister was shot, killed by Fulani Herdsmen, not kidnappers – Kehinde Fasoranti



Kehinde Fasoranti, the son of Afenifere leader, Pa Fasoranti has been quoted as saying that “the Police lied to Nigerians, my sister was shot by Fulani Herdsmen and not Kidnappers”.

Kehinde went further to say that “I visited the police station in Ore town shortly after the incident and was told by officers on duty that those who operated and shot Mrs Olakunrin were Fulani herdsmen.

“We need to get the story straight. The way they operated, according to the police in Ore, it is the way Fulani herdsmen operate.

“Six people were in front and shooting at them. The driver reversed the car, not knowing that some men were in the bush and they started shooting from the side and at the back.

“The story that these are just bandits is a lie. If you want records, request the report I made at the Ore police station. They categorically said the attackers were Fulani herdsmen.

“It’s about time we stood up and fight back. Nobody is protecting us. Eventually, they will come inside the house and kidnap people.

“Enough is enough. We can’t continue like this. I want the police to retract what they said. The (attackers) are Fulani herdsmen,” he added.