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Police rescue 2 kidnapped students in Katsina



The Katsina State Police Command has successfully rescued two abducted students, Ibrahim Abdulwaheed and Abdulrahman Abdulwasiu, both from the Federal University Dutsinma (FUDMA), along with another victim, Malam Dauda Magini, aged 55, from their captors.

According to ASP Abubakar Sadiq Aliyu, the spokesperson for the police command, the rescue operation took place on August 3, 2023, at approximately 0209hrs. A group of armed bandits had stormed the Bayan Radio quarters, situated on the outskirts of Dutsinma Local Government Area, Katsina State, and abducted the three individuals.

Upon receiving the distress report, Katsina State Commissioner of Police, CP Aliyu Abubakar Musa, swiftly mobilized and deployed the Area Commander, along with the command’s Anti-Kidnapping Unit, led by CSP Andrew Alphouse, to conduct a search and rescue operation.

The police team conducted an extensive search through the surrounding bush area and successfully located and freed the kidnapped students and the civilian victim. Following their rescue, the victims were immediately rushed to a nearby hospital for medical attention.

The prompt and efficient response from the Katsina State Police Command led to the safe rescue of the abducted students and the civilian, bringing relief to their families and the community at large. The police continue to take decisive actions to combat kidnapping and other criminal activities in the state, reaffirming their commitment to ensuring the safety and security of citizens.