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Posterity will judge Gov Ortom fairly –  Fayose



By Charles Iornumbe


Former Governor of Ekiti State, Mr. Ayo Fayose says posterity will judge the Ortom administration fairly for enacting the Open Grazing Prohibition and Ranches Establishment Law.


Fayose made this assertion today while fielding questions from Benue State Government House Correspondents shortly after holding a brief meeting with Governor Samuel Ortom in Abuja ahead of the PDP zoning committee meeting which held today.


He described Governor Ortom as a political icon whose forthrightness and capacity to speak truth to power without looking back even at the risk of his life has distinguished him among many leaders in the country and beyond.


According to the former State Chief Executive, Governor Ortom’s courage and determination to speak against evil was a clear indication that the actions of the office he occupies today would not go unnoticed several years to come.


In his words, “you cannot describe a man well enough. You can only describe his actions. By his actions, forthrightness and capacity to speak truth to power without looking back even at the expense of his life, it is a clear indication that the office of the Governor will come and go, the uprightness in the man will abide by him and with him eternally.”


He continued, “the Governor of Benue has shown strength of character in speaking against these evils bedeviling our country and in times like these, we can only wish him the best he wishes for himself. We also pray for his success,” Fayose stated.


Asked if the PDP was prepared to wrestle power from the ruling APC, Fayose maintained that every Nigerian knows that the country under the APC administration has failed.


According to the former Ekiti State Governor, “APC is already gone. Even if PDP did not say a word, the average Nigerian knows that there is hunger and the rate of killings is overwhelming. As a matter of fact, the insecurity is enough to tell you that APC is history in Nigeria and like I’ve always said, it is now for Nigerians to wake up and take their destiny in their own hands.”


He explained that “Nigerians should know they fell into the hands of APC in error and it is time for them to take their own destiny in their own hands. Let me assure you that everything is being put in place to ensure we take our inheritance back for the good of the nation and that is what our leaders are doing.”


He praised Ortoms tenacity in enacting and enforcing the Open Grazing Prohibition and Ranches Establishment law whixh is fast being adopted by other states as the best option.


The former Ekiti State Chief Executive told Correspondents that it was appalling to note that in Nigeria today, the life of a cow was more valuable than those of human beings and expressed the hope that when the PDP takes over the mantle of leadership in Nigeria, it would correct such anomalies.