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Real identity of Kaduna Church ‘suicide bomber’ emerges



Mohammed Sani Confessed to being forced in detention to bear Nathaniel Tanko in custody. He confirmed he is a Muslim and a Hausa Fulani .


He also claim an influential Muslim contracted him to bomb Living Faith Church Kaduna because Bishop David Oyedepo attacks him.

You need to understand Islam they are very good in passing blame and diverting attention to the Quran the main cause of terrorism .Verses in the Quran that motivated Muhammad SaniKill them [unbelievers] wherever you find them…

And fight them until there is no more unbelief and worship is for Allah alone” (Quran 2:191-193).“Strike off their heads and strike from them every fingertip” (Quran 8:12).“Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties; in exchange for that they will have Paradise.

They fight in the cause of Allah, so they slay and are slain” (Quran 9:111).The day Muslims agree terrorism is enshrined in the Quran and the terrorist follow their manual the Quran , rather than wickedly passing blame to America, Israel and Christianity.

We would solve atleast 90% of the Issue of terrorism in the world.The sponsors of Muhammad Sani have instructed him incase he is caught he should bear a Christians name. They are good at that, deception even when they are caught. My anger is that boy will be release because his sponsors are in this government.

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