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Regina Daniels, Ned Nwoko welcome second child



Actress Regina Daniels has given birth to a second child.

The arrival of the new baby coincides with the second birthday of his son, Munir.

Her husband, Ted Nwokolo, announced the double celebration on his Instagram page.

The excited father revealed his young wife delivered their son in Amman Jordan.

The thought of their sons sharing the same birthday has set the entire family in a jubilant mood according to Nwoko.

Sharing photos of young Moon, the lawyer wrote: “It’s a Double celebration today for the family as Moon turns Two years. He’s growing everyday looking forward to the future with so much Enthusiasm. Happy birthday Son.

“It’s also a delight to announce the arrival of our second son today. Regina and the baby are doing very well in Amman Jordan. Uniquely Moon and his baby brother now shares same birth date. The family is over the Moon.”