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Scores burnt to death while scooping fuel from fallen petrol tanker in Abeokuta (Video)



A fully-loaded petrol tanker, on Sunday, exploded in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

It was learnt that the fallen tanker exploded in the course of the rescue operation due to the uncooperative attitude of people around the axis through scooping of fuel.

Casualties of the fire can not be confirmed at the time of filing this report.

According to reports, the tanker overturned around 04:45am while making its way inbound Rounder from Oju-Irin, Lafenwa area of Abeokuta.

The spokesman of the Ogun Traffic Compliance and Enforcement Corps (TRACE), Babatunde Akinbiyi, had confirmed earlier that TRACE, police, FRSC and the fire fighters were working assiduously to restore normalcy, as transloading was in progress.

He warned the general public, particularly the motoring public, domiciled or moving around the axis to remain calm and co-operative by avoiding scooping of fuel, use of handset and cooking gas so as not to spark off fire.

Giving update on the situation, Akinbiyi said :“The earlier reported tanker laden with fuel which overturned while making its way inbound Rounder from Oju-Irin, Lafenwa, is now engulfed in fire, due to the uncooperative attitude of people around the axis through scooping of fuel and other unwholesome acts which sparked off the fire.”

The general public are advised to vacate the vicinity, while TRACE, POLICE, FRSC, FIRE SERVICE and other 1st responders resolve the latest emergency.

Meanwhile, motorists going inward Rounder axis from Lafenwa, have been urged to use Olomore and Oke-Ata axis, respectively as alternative routes.



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