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Super Falcons head coach, Randy Waldrum faces sack



The Executive Committee of the Nigerian Football Federation may relieve Super Falcons head coach, Randy Waldrum of his duties soon subject to the conclusion and recommendations made by the Technical and Development Sub-Committee.

Head Coach, Randy Waldrum was appointed on October 5, 2020 with the objectives of making retaining Super Falcons glory in Africa and ensuring good and quality performance at the World Cup.

However, Randy Waldrum led Super Falcons team could not defend their African title falling to their lowest position (fourth).

Super Falcons lost three games out of the six games played at the last Women African Cup of Nations (WAFCON).

This below par result have put pressure on the Nigeria Football Federation to relieve the head coach of his duties.

“Following a detailed presentation by the Head of Delegation of Nigeria team to the 12th Women Africa Cup of Nations in Morocco, the Executive Committee directed its Technical and Development Sub-Committee to hold a meeting,” according to Nigerian Sports Journalist, Adepoju Tobi Samuel on Twitter.

“And make recommendations on the way forward for the Super Falcons, including but not limited to a thorough evaluation of the ‘capability’ of the coaching crew to lead the team to a creditable performance at the FIFA World Cup finals in Australia and New Zealand next year.” he added.

This suggests that if the Sub-Committee recommends Randy Waldrum to be sacked as a result of his poor performance, the NFF will have to relieve him of his duties.

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