Felix Anietie Udoh, an imposter posing as an engineer, has been apprehended by the Akwa Ibom State Police Command for constructing the ill-fated four-story building that...
Eight months after the people of Nkari community in Ini Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State and their neighbours in Usaka Ukwu, Ikwuano Local Council...
A former Akwa Ibom State commissioner for finance, Bassey Albert, has been sentenced to 42 years in prison for corruption. Mr Albert is governorship candidate of...
Many would think the place of gospel artistes is only Christian-themed occasions but it was a departure from the usual on Tuesday as gospel singer, Mercy...
Angry youths in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state capital weekend caught and set ablaze two thieves suspected to be specialists in snatching phones and stealing other valuables...
The Australian government has warned its citizens to avoid travelling to Nigeria over the recent flooding that has ravaged some parts of the country. According to...
The Peoples Democratic Party, on Monday, kicked off its presidential campaign at the Nest of Champions Stadium in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. Those present at the...
The member representing Akwa Ibom North East Senatorial District at the National Assembly, Senator Bassey Albert Akpan has emerged as the governorship candidate of the Young...