The ongoing volatility of the black market exchange rate between the US dollar and the Nigerian naira persists due to the continued disparity between official and...
The CBN official Naira to Foreign Exchange rates today, March 14, 2024, can be accessed Date Currency Buying(NGN) Central(NGN) Selling(NGN) 3/12/2024 US DOLLAR 1592.91 1593.41 1593.91...
The CBN Rates – Dollar to Naira, Pound to Naira, Euro to Naira, others, today, March 14, 2024, can be accessed Date Currency Buying(NGN) Central(NGN) Selling(NGN)...
The ongoing volatility of the black market exchange rate between the US dollar and the Nigerian naira persists due to the continued disparity between official and...
Black market dollar to naira Exchange Rate Today 13th March 2024 can be accessed below. This report is according to information gathered from black market FX operators....
The ongoing volatility of the black market exchange rate between the US dollar and the Nigerian naira persists due to the continued disparity between official and...
The ongoing volatility of the black market exchange rate between the US dollar and the Nigerian naira persists due to the continued disparity between official and...
The CBN Rates – Dollar to Naira, Pound to Naira, Euro to Naira, others, today, March 12, 2024, can be accessed Date Currency Buying(NGN) Central(NGN) Selling(NGN)...
The CBN official Naira to Foreign Exchange rates today, March 12, 2024, can be accessed Date Currency Buying(NGN) Central(NGN) Selling(NGN) 3/8/2024 US DOLLAR 1624.232 1624.732 1625.232...