Rukayat Gawat-Oyefeso, the renowned Islamic singer, has been laid to rest following her passing on Tuesday after a brief illness. In accordance with Islamic customs, her...
Gunmen have killed nine mourners at a funeral ceremony in Mbakange village of Mbacher ward in Kastina-Ala Local Government Area of Benue State. Villagers said that...
Armed men suspected to be members of a secret cult on Saturday invaded a burial ceremony in Ebenebe, Awka North Local Government Area of Anambra State,...
Nolllywood actress, Tonto Dike, has explained why she will never attend a burial ceremony. According the mother of one, she would never repay anyone who attended...
John Ebatame and Moses Okoyomon reportedly fired at six persons during a faceoff with some locals who complained that one of the hunters shot and destroyed...