As 2023 unfolds, the Nigerian music scene continues to be a thriving powerhouse, producing exceptional talents that resonate globally. Here is a rundown of the top...
Renowned musician David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, has discouraged a fervent admirer who set out on an ambitious bicycle journey from Benue State to Lagos...
In Kano State, Northeast Nigeria, Muslim faithful at Farm Centre GSM Market have been prohibited from pasting pictures and playing or listening to the songs of...
Award-winning singer Davido has taken a notable step in response to his logistics manager, Isreal DMW’s unsolicited help. Davido unfollowed Isreal on Instagram after the latter...
Renowned Nigerian playwright and Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, has come out in support of singer Davido, urging him not to apologize for the controversial video...
Some agitated youths expressed their anger towards Nigerian artiste Davido by setting fire to one of his banners. The protest was triggered by Davido’s failure to...
Renowned singer and record label owner, David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, has made a significant move by deleting the contentious clip from his signee, Logos...
Nigerian artiste Logos Oloro, a signee under Davido’s DMW record label, has recently faced significant backlash over the visuals of his latest single ‘Jaye Lo.’ The...
In a heartwarming gesture of generosity, renowned Nigerian afrobeats artist Davido, whose real name is David Adeleke, has donated a staggering sum of N237 million to...