On September 19, 2023, the Nigerian Naira faced a substantial depreciation against the Euro in the black market, sparking concerns in the financial sector. The reports...
IDOMA VOICE has provided the current exchange rate for the Euro to Naira on 19th September 2023, which can be accessed below. The black market exchange...
IDOMA VOICE has provided the current exchange rate for the Euro to Naira on 18th September 2023, which can be accessed below. The black market exchange...
IDOMA VOICE has provided the current exchange rate for the Euro to Naira on 13th September 2023, which can be accessed below. The black market exchange...
IDOMA VOICE has provided the current exchange rate for the Euro to Naira on 11th September 2023, which can be accessed below. The black market exchange...
IDOMA VOICE has provided the current exchange rate for the Euro to Naira on 4th September 2023, which can be accessed below. The black market exchange...
IDOMA VOICE has provided the current exchange rate for the Euro to Naira on August 30, 2023, which can be accessed below. The black market exchange...
IDOMA VOICE has provided the current exchange rate for the Euro to Naira on August 29, 2023, which can be accessed below. The black market exchange...
IDOMA VOICE has provided the current exchange rate for the Euro to Naira on August 27, 2023, which can be accessed below. The black market exchange...