Kaduna sex party venue

Asher Restaurant has nothing to do with sexy party – Marvellous Akpan, flyer designer

Asher Restaurant has nothing to do with sexy party – Marvellous Akpan, flyer designer

Marvellous Akpan designer of the controversial Kaduna sex party’s flyer has confirmed that Asher Restaurant and Lounge has nothing to…

4 years ago

After El-Rufai pulled down Asher Restaurant, police, witness confirm there was no sex party

Police witnesses at the resumed hearing of the case pertaining to the Kaduna sex party, have told a Kaduna court…

4 years ago

El-Rufai staff storm Kaduna sex party venue, demolish building

Officials of the Kaduna State Urban State Urban Planing Development Agency (KASUPDA) have demolished the building that was to host…

4 years ago