Unidentified gunmen have reportedly shot three students at Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic in Lafia, Nasarawa State. The gunmen abducted a female student named Ajoke, identified as...
In a significant development, the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has officially reopened its camp in Borno State, marking the end of a 13-year closure prompted...
An undergraduate of the department of computer science at the Federal University in Lafia, Nasarawa State, has reportedly impregnated a female lecturer. The student who was identified...
Contrary to the recent assurance by the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Malam Mohammed Bello, that the 13.25-kilometre Apo-Karshi road will be completed and...
The Federal Capital Territory Minister of State, Dr Ramatu Aliyu has urged contractors handling the Apo-Karshi Road to speed up work towards completion and eventual inauguration...
A joyful atmosphere was turned into a mournful one in Ikyangedu community, Keana Local Government Area, Nasarawa State last Saturday as a would be groom was...
Governor Samuel Ortom on his way to Abuja this afternoon stopped at Kudugba Village of Nasarawa Eggon, Nasarawa State where an accident had occurred. The Governor...
Contrary to the recent assurance by the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Malam Mohammed Bello, that the 13.25-kilometre Apo-Karshi road will be completed and...
Nasarawa State University, Keffi (NSUK) job recruitment advertisement for academic and non-academic staff. NSUK Recruitment Applications are invited from suitable qualified candidates for the following vacant...