The last six housemates are preparing for the grand finale of the reality TV show, Big Brother Naija, where the winner will be announced. The winner...
Following the back-to-back gossip against Chichi in the ongoing BBNaija Season 7 show, Chichi has decided to confront Phyna about all she is hearing in the...
During the Wednesday diary session in the BBNaija season 7 house, Phyna revealed that she would prefer to see Adekunle leave Big Brother’s house. This statement...
During their wager task rehearsals, HoH phyna tried to organise the participation of housemates that were making a presentation. The wager task was on making useful...
Phyna weeps as Biggie sends Groovy out of the house. Big Brother Naija show added another twist as housemates swapped levels. Deji was moved to Level...
Big Brother Naija season 7 housemate, Groovy, has pleaded with his partner Phyna against their constant public display of affection in the house. Recall that ever since...
BBNaija season 7 level 2 housemate Phyna has finally opened up on her opinion on why she keeps appearing on the eviction list. During her diary...
Big Brother Naija, BBNaija housemate, Eloswag has warned his fellow housemate, Sheggz to stop talking about his deep kiss with Phyna at the #BBNaija Saturday Night...
Drama has continued to ensue in the ongoing Big Brother Naija Season 7 tagged Level Up. A trending video captured the moment reality star and model...