sex slave

Haruna Jimoh: Man turns 12-year-old girl to sex slave in Lagos

Haruna Jimoh: Man turns 12-year-old girl to sex slave in Lagos

The Lagos state police command has arraigned a 25-year-old man, Haruna Jimoh, for allegedly abducting a 12-year-old girl and turning her…

3 years ago

How my grandmother used me as sex slave in Enugu – 7-year-old girl

The Enugu State Police Command has arrested an aged woman for allegedly giving out her seven-year-old granddaughter to different men…

3 years ago

How I was turned into sex slave in Ogun – 16-year-old girl narrates sad experience

A 16-year-old girl has narrated how she was promised salesgirl job before she left her hometown in Cross River state…

3 years ago