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Viral video of a man allegedly beating up a police woman in Lagos



A 33-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly beat up police woman in Ajagbadin area of Okoko in Lagos state.

Violence may not always be needed in solving issues most of the time, it may give you results in some cases but really not the best at get something resolved. Fighting people in uniform and on duty is a serious offense and punishable under the law, people have often taken their anger on innocent uniform officers, who stops them to question them on the road. A lot of people really need to learn anger management, to enable them relate with people whenever they’re in public. Managing ones anger is something that can be learned and practice from time to time.

A female police officer on duty was captured being beaten by a man in mufti alleged to be a soldier in viral video. The man is seen to have collected the sticks from the female police officer and began flogging her with them over an altercation they both have as a result of her stopping his car.

Despite the crowd and some people who tried intervening for him not to flog her, all to no avail. He removed himself from the grip of anyone trying to pacify him from using the sticks on her.

A woman at the background could be heard saying, “na woman ah, stop beating her” but he wouldn’t listen as he flogged her till a huge man approached him to stop them

One wouldn’t really know why he unleashed his anger on her in such a manner and I wondered also why the police female officer was all alone at the place of the incident, without her colleagues being there with her. Maybe if they were 2 or 3, he wouldn’t have beaten her like that.