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Yemi Ayeni: Man beating police officer in viral video says his wife abandoned him and baby six months ago



A dismissed soldier, Yemi Ayeni, who was caught on camera pummeling a female police officer has cry out for mercy.

A video of the ex-soldier beating up the cop went viral on social media on Friday with many commenters calling for the immediate arrest of the man.

Ayeni, who was said to have terrorising residents of Shibiri area and its environs in Lagos, masquerading as a soldier in the Nigerian Army has been nabbed by the Police.

The young man, who was later discovered to be a fake soldier, claimed he was shown the exit foor at the entry-level into the military.

He said, “I am a dismissed soldier”. Asked which command he served last, he said: “I was dismissed during training. I had spent four months in the training before I was dismissed (disqualified ). This was because anytime someone shouted at me, I would feel somehow. They said I had a medical problem and told me to leave.

“ I don’t know what came over me on Sunday. I was inside a commercial bus with the driver and conductor, when the policewoman hit the vehicle and that was all.

“I regret my action. I appeal to the Federal Government and the Police to free me. They should temper justice with mercy. I will never try this again. My wife walked out of the marriage six months ago, abandoning our baby “, he stated.