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Zion Ark pastor, Victor Great unable to walk after 21-days dry fast



Victor Great, the esteemed head pastor of Zion Ark of Covenant International Bible Church Inc located in Delta State, found himself temporarily immobilized after embarking on a rigorous 21-day fasting and prayer journey.

In a video posted on the Church’s official Facebook page, Pastor Victor, donned in a pristine white suit, was tenderly transported from his vehicle to the church’s altar by his dedicated protocol officers.

There, he was gently placed on the ground, encircled by his congregation, and delivered prophetic messages that captivated and inspired his devoted followers.

On the 30th of August, another video surfaced on the church’s Facebook page, in which the pastor announced his intent to undertake a 21-day fast and prayer with the aim of, in his own words, “shutting the gates of death.”

Pastor Victor articulated, “Where I am going, you will not see me visibly. I will retreat to a secluded place and beseech God for my people. The gate is already ajar where I am heading. Do you believe it’s my desire? It is a divine task. I have come here to challenge the gate of death and proclaim that there are individuals whom you shall not take under my vigilant watch.”

In reassurance, Pastor Victor informed his congregation that he would stand as their representative at the gate of death, preventing it from claiming any more lives.

He stated, “Where I am going, you won’t see me in the physical. I will go to a place of seclusion and entreat God for my people. At my destination, the gate is already ajar. Do you think it’s by choice? It’s a calling. I’ve come to defy the gate of death, to affirm that there are individuals death shall not claim under my watch.”

The pastor affirmed to his congregation that he would represent them before the gate of death, delaying it from consuming his congregants.

He asserted, “Do you grasp how many of you are alive today because Yahweh repeatedly employs me as a gate to advocate for you? Isn’t it in your families where people are perishing like poultry—your unprepared brother, your deceased sister, the same blood? What do you think is safeguarding you?”

The church reported that the pastor observed a 21-day fast from the 1st to the 21st of September 2023, abstaining from food, fruits, and water during this period of intense fasting.

To commemorate this significant achievement, termed a ‘Season of Immortality,’ the congregation, clad in white attire, eagerly awaited the pastor’s arrival after the fast.

Upon his arrival, the pastor, who was unable to ambulate, was carried by his wife and associates from the vehicle to the church’s altar, where he was gently laid on the floor, delivering prophecies to the jubilant congregation. They proceeded to sing and dance in celebration of this proclaimed “new season of acclaimed immortality.”

In the official statement released by the church, titled “THE TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF GOD’S SERVANT,” it conveyed, “He endured the pain, discomfort, and spiritual battle of this unique season of waiting on the Lord through fasting to uphold the covenant of LIFE AND IMMORTALITY in the lives of the sons and daughters of Zion.”

The statement continued, “Our revered father, ‘PASTOR VICTOR GREAT,’ observed a 21-day fast without consuming food, water, fruits, or any substance, following God’s instruction received 16 years ago—an annual practice each September. The auditorium overflowed with the exhilaration of God’s people, and thousands gathered to witness the sacrifice of this remarkable man of God in Warri, Delta State. Prayers were answered, ailments were healed, and God’s name was glorified, for all the glory belonged to Him. Our father has returned from this journey; we give thanks to God! VICTORY AT LAST.”

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