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Blasphemy: What Deborah Yakubu said that led to her death (AUDIO)



IDOMA VOICE has obtained the audio of what Deborah Yakubu said that led to her death.

Deborah was killed and burnt in Sokoto State for allegedly insulting Prophet Mohammed.

The victim, identified as Deborah Yakubu was accused of blaspheming the leader and founder of Islam, Prophet Mohammed.

Deborah was a student of Shehu Shagari College of Education in Sokoto State.

In the audio obtained by our reporter, the lady warned her classmates against posting religious things on class WhatsApp group chat.

She said, “Holy ghost fire, nothing would happen to me, is it by force you guys would always be sending these religious stuff in the group, the group wasn’t created for that, but rather as a notice for when there’s a test, assignment, exams etc not these nonsense Religious posts.

Listen to audio below.