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2023: I will continue to serve humanity – Jonathan on presidential ambition



Former President Goodluck Jonathan, on Friday, has described as “mere speculation” his interest in contesting in the 2023 presidential election.

Jonathan, who stated this when he paid a condolence visit to Governor Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta State at Government House, Asaba, over the recent demise of his father, Sir Okorie Okowa, pledged to continue to serve God, humanity, and Africa to the best of his ability.

He said, “On the rumour of my interest in the 2023 presidential election, it is mere speculation. I will continue to serve God, humanity, Africa and the world to the best of his ability and with all sense of commitment and sincerity.”

On insecurity, Jonathan called for synergy between the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), governors, security chiefs and other stakeholders, insisting that such would de-escalate tension occasioned by the challenge of insecurity in the country.

According to the former president, it is unfortunate that schoolchildren and many Nigerians are being kidnapped for ransom by bandits.

“I believe that with the commitment of the governors and the Federal Government, we will be able to address the issue of insecurity in the country. I believe that the President himself is not sleeping and that the governors are not sleeping as well over the insecurity challenge in the country.

“As long as the governors, the President and all the security agencies can work together, Nigeria will be able to cross over this very ugly phase of societal evolution,” he said.

Jonathan commiserated with the governor on the passing of his father and urged him and his siblings to continue to promote their father’s enviable records as a way to immortalise him.