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Full text of Och’Idoma’s speech at Idoma USA Day 2022



The Dynamic Fluidity of Culture
It is my singular honour to be among you, my sons and daughters, here in the US on this auspicious occasion. It is more than a mere coincidence to be in such an august company in August.
I am particularly impressed by the unity, love and camaraderie amongst you, the Idoma Association USA, which explains why you can organize this event annually. This signifies what the culture-inspired can-do spirit of the Idoma people is. It is therefore no mistake that the convention is themed IDOMA CULTURAL HERITAGE. It is a heritage of great values and all of us are the true custodians.
I must also sincerely thank all of you here especially for upholding the honour and glory of the Idoma here, for enhancing the unity among you and for playing active roles in the economic growth and development of this country and by extension that of Nigeria. We are indeed very proud of you for being good ambassadors of Idoma extraction.
What we generally know about the culture of people is that it changes with time and can be challenged by emerging realities of the times and season. Take, for instance, the stool of the Och’Idoma which I sit on was created by the British administration in 1947 for ease of administration and control. Before the creation of a central stool, we had 22 distinct district beaded chiefs. One of them, His Royal Highness, Ogiri Okoh, the Alegwu of Adoka, was then selected to be Och’Idoma 1.

It is trite to remind us that HRH Ogiri Okoh remains the only Och’Idoma that was selected from among the 22 district beaded chiefs; all the other Och’Idomas were selected from the pool of eminently qualified Idoma sons. Because of this, my selection was not a version of what ought to be done. This speaks to the swiftness with which something one considers cultural can change to pave the way for the growth and development of the people. People and race must give way to change to thrive, especially if the change is not harmful and injurious to society.

The Chieftaincy Law of 2016 as approved by the Benue State House of Assembly was not the first Act enacted by the House. What the law did was to show us that people are created by God and that under no circumstances should a clan or a particular set of people claim superiority over another, the law has created first, second and third-class chiefs to do the job of selection.

Each Local Government was given equal opportunity, or the equality of opportunity, in the number of kingmakers, and so also was the Intermediary Area Council. The fluidity of culture is at play here. The idea is that people should be able to compete on equal terms, or a level-playing field, for advantaged offices and positions.
As people move around and mix with others through trading, education, and the coming of Christianity and Islam, a lot of what was practised as tradition got eroded as the mind expanded and advanced. This is so especially because, like most groups in Nigeria, the Idoma has no written history. Be that as it may, historical facts are mostly passed down orally or through memorization. Little wonder an average Idoma kid could recite at least four generations of their progenitors.

Some major cultural traits of the Idoma remain their kind disposition, trustworthiness, friendliness and bold honesty, which, they carry proudly as their totem of cultural heritage wherever they find themselves.

Besides these cultural traits that have distinguished us as some of the most hospitable people on God’s earth, we also have symbolic cultural practices which give us a distinct cultural identity such as our dances, masquerades, songs, storytelling and attire (red and black Apa), speaking of which my emergence has seen this clothing metamorphosed into four colours, namely Red, Black, Blue and White to signify a more unified Idoma nation, hence our new cultural garb would now be referred to as ‘Opiatoha’ (togetherness). I fervently hope that my people will understand my vision, part of which is expressed by this change, which is the only constant thing in life. A change for the better, they say, is always appealing.

Remodelling of Och’Idoma Palace
Our infrastructural cultural heritage is the Palace of the Och’Idoma in Otukpo, our ancestral home. This is currently remodelled to a more befitting edifice, which will also serve as a Resource Centre for Idoma studies and other related activities To this end, my reign shall see a rise in what I describe as the “Idoma Theatre Series” – The Telling of Our Own Story.

The Theatre Series shall be dedicated to Idoma myths and legends and serve as a form of cultural conservation, preservation, transformation, and spiritual uplift and entertainment to the Idoma and visitors alike. There can never be a heritage without a deliberate effort to preserve, transfer and keep it.

The Idoma Theatre Series would recruit storytellers, songwriters, scriptwriters, poets, dramatists, stage directors, costume managers, etc.

The program would seek local and international endorsement, coverage and patronage.
To this end, may I use this medium to call on you all to become worthy partners of this noble cause. It is hoped that these short stories, dramas and poems will become bestsellers in the nearest future.

The stage for all of these events will be the prestigious Och’Idoma Square, in the Palace of the Och’Idoma, Otukpo, Benue State.

The project has the potential for the promotion of the Idoma nation and culture globally and will attract foreign investors in tourism to the region.

The Idoma Theatre Series in recognition of the exigencies of the times we live in shall employ the use of technology and ICT, feature the New Media Advantage, get poems done and sent in as blogs and podcasts, and create YouTube Channels and build a boot camp and Idoma Theatre Academy.
We shall partner with universities and colleges and other reputable organizations across the globe known for cultural advancement.

It is to be noted that Idoma as a nation has no written vision, mission, ethics, objectives and core values except the one handed down from generation to generation orally. The language has not been chronicled such that our kids can be taught right from primary school to any level of education how to read, write and communicate fluently in Idoma. All this shall be discussed with relevant stakeholders and shall be unveiled once the palace is completed and commissioned.

Finally, I believe that the Idoma culture as a heritage, which is our cultural and general way of life, is a worthy commodity of immense export value as being showcased by the Idoma Association USA today.

I am committed to sustaining, improving and enriching our shared heritage, especially working towards preserving and archiving our history to make it not only available but accessible to all desirous of gaining native Idoma knowledge from anywhere in the world.

I, HRM, Elaigwu Odogbo Obagaji John, stand here today in the centre of history, having accepted my selection and taken my place in a long line of succession to the great throne of the Idoma nation as Agaba Idu the 5th Och’Idoma. I do so with a great sense of gratitude and humility and grace the occasion as OchIdoma V.

I, therefore, pay tribute and homage to my predecessors who served our people by the powers of this throne and have joined our ancestors.

I stand today as the next link in the chain started by His Royal Highness Chief Ogiri Okoh and carried on by Chief Ajene Okpabi, Chief Edwin Ogbu and Chief Elias Ikoyi Obekpa whose recent hunting expedition has occasioned my election as the Fifth Och’Idoma. As enunciated in Nigeria’s national anthem, I make bold to say that “The labours of our heroes past shall never be in vain.”

It is interesting to note that the period between my selection on 30th December 2021, to my coronation on 30th June 2022, and now has been a season of deep reflection and prayers for me, as the burden of leading God’s people weighs heavier on me with each passing day.
Every congratulatory visit or felicitation in writing has conveyed with it a unique burden of the task ahead and the inadequacy of human wisdom and strength required for the making of a resilient and repositioned Idoma nation that can successfully navigate the socio-economic, political, cultural as well as religious waters ahead. This has compelled me like the young King Solomon of old to constantly request God to grant me the wisdom to lead His people to glory.

The challenges facing the Idoma nation are enormous. These challenges include socio-economic backwardness, insecurity, the erosion of the positive values of our culture and tradition, disunity and crime. I am optimistic however that by the help of God and our collective resolve, a new Idoma nation will rise that is characterised by rapid socio-economic development where opportunities abound to all and poverty is defeated in every family.

I see a new Idoma nation where we unite against all the forces that have vowed to render our land desolate and make us refugees in our legal homesteads. We shall defeat them because anywhere the oppressed unite, the oppressor will always become the victim.

Let me pause here to commend the courageous leadership of Governor Samuel Ortom that has paved the way for the appreciable level of peace we have enjoyed in Idomaland and by extension, Benue State. In the words of Winston Churchill, “History shall be kind to you for we shall write it.”

My reign as Och’Idoma will see to a new dimension of collaboration with the Government of the day and well-meaning organisations and individuals to enthrone justice, equity, fairness and the rule of law.

On my watch, we will work assiduously to revive our value systems, culture and tradition that are gradually being eroded by the unfair impact of modernization and the absence of a system of trans-generational transfer.
I wish to point out that the hallmark of a people’s culture does not consist of inimical practices that are an expression of savage and barbaric tendencies that endanger lives and limit the abilities of the people to compete favourably and assert their identity and rights in an ever-changing world. While we strive to preserve our heritage, we must adapt to the demands of a changing world or become obsolete and irrelevant.

A progressive tradition must see to the elimination of evil and the fertilization of all that promotes our collective good. This we commit to actualizing during my reign.

The Idoma nation is known for its hard work, honesty, fairness, courtesy, friendliness, peace, excellence, courage and beauty. We shall continue to promote these values.
We are mindful of the messengers of disunity who seek to divide our voices for their selfish gains. On my watch, they shall not succeed.

Our history remains that of a resilient nation forged through centuries of peace and conflicts which have only helped to bind us together rather than divide us. We shall continue to reinforce the pillars of oneness that support the development and the historic principle of the rotation of our ancestral stool and throne among our respective intermediaries. Like the proverbial broom strands, we are stronger only when we are together.

I am deeply concerned about the rising wave of crime in Idoma land. Robberies, kidnappings, theft and communal clashes are fast taking over our land. Our youth have fallen prey to the deception of cultism, violent gangs, drugs and cyber fraud popularly known as Yahoo, Yahoo.
These practices are alien to the Idoma nation where we believe in the virtue of hard work and earning a living from honest labour. During my reign, there will be zero tolerance for crime as we birth a new Idoma land of peace, safety and honesty by all and for all. To this end, our youth who are engaged in these nefarious activities must retrace their steps or face the full wrath of the law.

We will commit to building a sustainable cross-border policy anchored on mutual prosperity and safety with all our neighbours, through intelligence sharing and collaboration against crime. The State and Local Governments can count on us as veritable partners in security and peace-building.

Idoma land has in recent times come under unprovoked attacks by bandits, militants and criminal elements. These attacks have left many of my sons and daughters dead with scores of them displaced and property destroyed. From Agatu to Okpokwu to Oju to Ado, my people are still facing threats on their farmlands. While we call on the Federal Government to live up to its constitutional responsibilities of the protection of lives and property of its citizens, I urge all of our people to rise in defence of our common rights to live in peace and to engage in our economic activities for our individual and collective prosperity. I want to put it on record that the Idoma nation has never been conquered before and will never be reduced to slaves in a modern dispensation, not on my watch.

As a father, I pledge to run an open and inclusive system that embraces all regardless of political or religious affiliations. My doors shall be as open to all as my heart.

My reign shall be anchored upon the fear of God, passion for truth and love for my people.
I pledge to uphold the principle of teamwork, servant leadership and grassroots engagement. We shall be big enough to cover all yet small enough to reach one.
The focus of my reign among other things shall be God’s government over Idomaland, security for every district, clan and family.

There shall be economic opportunities for individual and collective prosperity through the promotion of the culture of enterprise and profitable partnerships both locally and internationally.

We shall be dedicated to the promotion of the study of the Idoma language, history and culture in the pursuit of a more robust Idoma identity.
With the support of my experienced and loyal Council of Chiefs, we are set to deliver on our collective vision of a resilient and prosperous Idoma nation.

Our land is suitable for the production of notable cash crops like cassava, sesame, rice, ginger and palm trees. Kindly assist us in providing processing factories that will add value to the efforts of our farmers.

We call on the Federal and State Governments of Nigeria to turn their searchlight of infrastructural development on the nine Local Government Areas of Idoma land where our community link roads are in a bad state of repair and require urgent attention.

With skills acquisition centres spread across our Local Governments, our youth can be mobilised into an army for economic development instead of engaging in criminal activities.
With cottage processing industries in our villages, our rural economies will come alive again.
To all my sons and daughters in the legislative chambers back home, I charge you all to ensure that your constituency projects happen within the constituencies and not on paper. To all my sons and daughters engaged in business here in the US and in any other country, it is time to start some back-to-Idomaland economic development projects that will tap our abundant natural and human resources towards creating sustainable rural prosperity. Charity they say begins at home.
At the state level, we will continue to work out an amicable political framework that will facilitate the emergence of an Idoma Governor in no distant future. In the interim, I appeal to the incoming Governor to see to it that certain roles like the Secretary to the State Government are restored to the Idoma people. This is what I will be working tirelessly to achieve, and with God on our side, we shall succeed.

On this day, the 5th of August, 2022, I stand as a king under the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, I also stand in the name of Jesus Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, to bless my sons and daughters here in the US and the land and people of Benue State. I bless the entire Idoma nation with peace. May the schemes of all mischief-makers against our collective peace come to nought. Every curse in Idomaland is removed by the power of the Holy Ghost. I pronounce blessings and blessings for all in Idoma Land in Jesus’ name.

I bless the land with prosperity. May the rain of the heavens and the fatness of the earth be the portion of the Idoma nation. I declare that the land of the Idoma will frustrate and swallow every satanic altar that limits progress. YOUR LABOUR HERE IN A FOREIGN LAND SHALL NEVER BE IN VAIN. I close the gates against epidemics, sicknesses and untimely deaths in Idoma land, and, by extension, you in the diaspora. No more shall the fathers bury the children.

I bless all of my sons and daughters at home and in the diaspora. May the favours of the Almighty God defend you and distinguish you in all your endeavours. May you continue to excel on every side.

I bless the Governor and Government of Benue State. May the God of heaven bless you and preserve you. The evil desires of the enemies of Benue State shall not prosper. Instead, the counsel of the God of heaven shall prevail over Benue State.
May I pause here to sincerely thank all of you for inviting me to this convention. I pray that the Almighty God grant you all your heart’s desires. Thank you all for making me a part of this illustrious company. Our meeting today is no doubt a landmark in the history of the Idoma nation.
Your warm reception and hospitality are second to none. May our cultural norms and beliefs remain indelible in our hearts. Let us work together to preserve our cultural heritage in a godly way.

Thank you for listening and God bless you all.
Long live Idoma Association in the USA
Long Live the Idoma Nation
Long Live Benue State
Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria

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