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Sen. Abba Moro felicitates with Sen. David Mark at 72



The Senator representing the good people of Benue South Senatorial District, Comrade Abba Moro, felicitates with his Mentor, Principal and Father, Dist. Senator David Alenchenu Bonaventure Mark (GCON), on his 72nd birth anniversary.

Senator Moro celebrates with the family, friends and political associates of the President of the 6th and 7th Senate, who served the country variously as a Governor, Minister and Parliamentarian.

The Comrade-Senator believes that Senator Mark (Okpokpowulu K’Idoma), whom he succeeded in 2019, remains an inestimable gift and asset to Benue South community and the nation at large.

On this day of his 72nd birthday celebration, Senator Moro, on behalf of his family and the good people of Benue South, celebrates and extols the leadership qualities of this Democrat, astute Administrator and a leader of impeccable disposition.

He prays God to enlarge his coast and give him good health, many more blessings and fruitful years ahead so he can continue to contribute his quota to the development of our land and nation in general.

Ameh Comrade Godwin,
SA (P&E) to the Senator.

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