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Tony Momoh, former Minister of Information is dead



Prince Tony Momoh, former Minister of Information and Culture is dead.

Reports reaching IDOMA VOICE newsdesk have it that is Momoh, a veteran journalist, politician, died Monday afternoon after battling unknown ailment.

Momoh, 81,  served as a minister between 1986–1990 during the military regime of General Ibrahim Babangida.

Momoh was born on 27 April 1939 in Auchi, Edo state, of Edo origin. He was the 165th child of King Momoh I of Auchi.

He attended Government School Auchi (1949–1954) and Anglican School Okpe (1954).

Momoh was Pupil Teacher at the Anglican School, Auchi (January–December 1955) and Headmaster at the Anglican School, Ubuneke, Ivbiaro, Owan Local Government (January 1958 – December 1959).

He went to the Provincial Teachers Training College, Abudu, Edo State and Government Teachers College, Abraka in Western Region (1960–1961).

Later, while working at the Daily Times or on sabbatical, he attended the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (September 1964 – October 1966) where he earned a degree in Mass communication, and then the University of Lagos where he studied Law. He attended the Nigerian Law School, Lagos (October 1974 – May 1975), and was called to the bar in June 1975.

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