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Angry residents beat suspected thief to coma in Otukpo



A young man identified as Otakpa (Other names withheld) has narrowly escaped death after residents caught him red handed breaking into a house near Otada, Otukpo.

An eyewitness told IDOMA VOICE that the today is making the sixth time the suspected thief is breaking into the same apartment.

“He has broken into the house for six consecutive times, before now, he succeeded in removing all the wires, light bulbs.

” He only comes around after he discovers that we might have gone to Church on Sundays.

“Today’ turned out to be different because we came back early and met him inside the house with a knife which he used to cut the ceiling to pave way for himself,” the source added.

As at the time of filing this report, the criminal has admitted committing the crime and has been handed over to security agents in the area.