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Benue: Armed herders invade Suswam’s home town, destroy farms, sack four villages



Armed herdsmen have reportedly invaded Senator Gabriel Suswam’s home town, sacking four Council Wards and several villages in Yonov, Tombo, Turan and Nenzev in Logo as well as communities in Guma and Buruku Local Government Areas, LGAs of Benue state.

The invaders who were reported to have marched into the communities with over a thousand cattle from neighbouring Taraba state, were said to have destroyed large cassava farms and yam seedlings in the affected communities.

Vanguard gathered that the invasion by the herders which started at about 8pm on Sunday created pandemonium in the area leading to mass movement of members of the communities who have been fleeing their homes in droves.

Confirming the development, a stakeholder in the area, Chief Joseph Anawa told newsmen Tuesday that the invasion had created tension in that axis of the state.

According to Chief Anawah: “On February 20, 2022 at about 8pm herdsmen arrived Tse Ikyegh in Yonov Council Ward of Logo Local Government Area, LGA, with over one thousand cows and settled beside the Logo stream.

“They migrated from Tombo Council ward in Logo and proceeded straight to Yonov community in the interior part of Ugondo geo-political axis after causing alot of destructions on cassava farms and seed yams in Tombo and Turan council Wards.

“They are so hostile and do not want anybody to come close to them. The locals on sighting the arrival of cows started packing out of their villages for the fear of the unknown.

“When the Kindred Head of Mbaifu, Zaki Gbamga Nengem went to them to know their mission in his community, they outrightly told him that they have come to settle there.

“They warned that any attempt to evict them either by the host community or government agencies would invoke their anger and they would be left with no option than result to physical and open confrontation.

“They were also heard in their language calling their brothers from Nasarawa State to cross-over and meet them at Tse Gabo in Nenzev where they killed 13 people in years past as there is enough grass and water for the cows.

“Unless and until these blood thirsty armed herdsmen are flushed out there will be no peace in Yonov and Nenzev Council Wards in Ugondo community as well as the neighboring communities in Buruku and Guma LGAs,” he added.

Efforts to reach the Police Public Relations Officer, Superintendent, SP, Cathrine Anene was unsuccessful.