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Benue: Patrick Enemari, Mike Audu appointed members, House Committee on Fiaince



By Michael Shawon

Benue State House of Assembly Standing Commitee on Finance was yesterday inaugurated to kick start it’s functions. The Chairman of the Commitee Hon. Abbas Akoso in his speech profoundly welcome members stating that the reconstitution and subsequent Inuguration became necessary given the vital roles the MDAs under it’s jurisdiction play towards economic development of the state and was in line with S. 103 of 1999 Constitution.

The Chairman further read out the names of the Commitee members to Include;
(i) Hon. Abbas Akoso – Chairman
(ii) Rt. Hon Terkaa Ucha -Member
(iii) Hon.Aondoakaa Terwase-Member
(iv) Hon. Michael Audu – Member
(v) Hon. Peter Enemari- Member
(vi) Mr. David Ochapa-Secretary.

He highlighted the jurisdiction of the commitee which shall exercise oversight powers over following; (a) Ministy of Finance and all Parastatals under it excluding parastatals on the Approiproation & Budgeting. (b) Benue State Internal Revenue Service(BIRS). (c) Benue Investment and Property Company (BIPC) and, (d) Local Government Finance.

The Assembly Member for Ushongo concluded that, Benue state is faced with daunting challenges of getting adequate funds from the Federation Account and from Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) as well as the Capital Market among other sources to fund Annual Budget, noting that, the Commitee on its part shall partner with MDAs under it’s jurisdiction to plan and adopt measures to tackle these challenges through stepping up efforts towards elaborate ways of generating revenue internally and raising funds from other recognized sources and therefore seeked the support of the leadership of the assembly, MDAs and the entire people of Benue to actualize these goals.

Speaking separately, Mr.Godwin Ocheme(Director Planning & Research BIRS) Representative of the BIRS Chairman, That of BIPC Mr. Amity Ijuwa ( Internal Audit & Control) all promised their Agency’s full partnership and co-operation to the Commitee to enable them execute its functions.

The Inauguration had other lawmakers present including Hon. Geoffrey Agbatse (Gwer-East).Hon. Kuranen Yagba (Logo) Representative from the Ministry of Finance, Representives from the Benue State Internal Revenue Service (BIRS) and Benue Investment and Property Corporation (BIPC) as well other invited guest.

Ealier on, the Commitee was inaugurated by Hon. Christopher Adaji the Deputy-speaker who stood in for the Speaker Rt. Hon. Titus Uba, he charged the Commitee to brace up to is it’s responsibility. It would be recalled that the Finance commitee was formed on 3rd July, 2019 in line with S.R 15B (18) OF THE Benue State House of Assembly Standing Rules, 2012 as adopted.