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Benue Tech Skills for Jobs Program unveiled to empower youths



The government of Benue State has launched the innovative Benue Tech Skills for Jobs Program, designed to equip 10,000 young individuals with crucial tech skills. This initiative aims to enhance employability, stimulate the tech industry’s growth, and foster innovation and entrepreneurship among participants.

Program Objectives:

  • Skill Development: Training in software development, data analysis, digital marketing, and cybersecurity.
  • Employment Opportunities: Internship and job placement with tech companies in Benue.
  • Mentorship: Guidance from seasoned professionals in the tech field.
  • Project Support: Assistance in developing tech projects and startups.
  • Partnerships: Collaboration with tech firms, startups, and innovation centers.

Program Components:

  • Intensive Training: Three months of rigorous training and certification.
  • Internship and Placement: Three months of internships and job placements.
  • Mentorship Programs: Ongoing mentorship from industry experts.
  • Project Development Support: Resources and support for project and startup development.
  • Career Counseling: Career guidance and counseling services.

Target Participants:

  • Youth Age Range: Individuals aged 18-35 in Benue.
  • Educational Background: High school graduates, university students, and young professionals interested in tech.

Program Partners:

  • Tech Giants: Collaboration with Microsoft, Coursera, Google, and others.
  • Innovation Hubs: Partnerships with innovation centers, startups, government bodies, and educational institutions.
  • Industry Experts: Involvement of professionals and experts from the tech industry.

The program’s timeline includes stages such as needs assessment, recruitment, training, internship, mentoring, and evaluation, spanning several months. This initiative aims to revolutionize youth empowerment in Benue, creating a tech-savvy generation ready to excel in the digital age and drive the state’s economic growth.