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Biafra is older than Nigeria – IPOB founder Emekesiri



Barrister Emeka, Emekesiri, the presumed founder of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has declared that the defunct Republic of Biafra is older than Nigeria.

According to him, Biafra existed 500 years before Nigeria was created

Currently, Emekesiri is the spokesman and counsel of the Supreme Council of Elders of IPOB, which formed the customary government of IPOB.

In an interview with Vanguard, Emekesiri explains why Igbo presidency is not a solution to Biafra agitation and the Biafra case against Nigeria still pending in the court of appeal.

His words, “Biafra had existed about 500 years before Nigeria was created. It wasn’t actually a new country that was declared by the 1967 proclamation of Biafra but it was like a restoration of the old Biafra. There was no Nigeria abinitio. We had three regions from where Nigeria was carved out in the 16th century.

“We had the Zamfara region in the north, the Biafra region in the east and the Benin kingdom in the west. From these three regions in the ancient map of Africa, up to 1885 when there was the scramble for Africa in Berlin, where they shared the map for Africa, that Map continued to be in existence until 1885. It is from these three regions that the country, Nigeria, was created.”