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Bishops Onah, Agbo oversee abolition of slavery, caste system in Nsukka community



The Catholic Bishop of Nsukka Diocese, Godfrey Onah and his counterpart from the Anglican Communion, Rt. Rev. Aloysius Agbo have overseen the abolition of slavery, caste system and all forms of discrimination against human beings in Eha-Alumona in Nsukka, Enugu state.

Meanwhile, note that events are what make one day different from another. Some days are regarded and remembered with greater dignity than others because certain events mark them out from the rest.  31st December 2021 will forever be a memorable and dignified day in Eha-Alumona land as it was the day that marked the end of an era and the beginning of another. It was the day that the entire Eha Alumona people unanimously proclaimed the abolition of all forms of slavery, caste system and discriminations against persons in the community.

The ceremony which was officiated by Bishop Godfrey Onah of the Catholic Diocese of Nsukka, and his counterpart from Anglican Communion, Rt Rev. Aloysius Agbo – together with clerics from both denominations, traditional rulers, politicians and Eha Alumona dignitaries – was the first of its kind in Eha-Alumona. It was the first time that the people gathered to officially distance themselves and disown, overt and covert, ancestral discriminations against some persons in the community.

Ehalumona is in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State.  It shares a common boundary on the South with Ede-Oballa and Opi, South East with Mbu, North by Ogbodu Aba and Orba and West by Nsukka.  Eha Alumona comprises three major quarters, namely: Eha, Agbamere and Umabor. Hence the name Nkpunato— three quarters.

Eha- Alumona is a home to many illustrious personalities, captains of industries and seasoned intellectuals. It is one of the first places that the white missionaries first visited in Nsukka area. Thus, it is one of the few places that Catholicism first came to in Nsukka.

Before the dawn of Christianity, many obnoxious practices obtained in Eha-Alumona. Like other parts of Igboland, discrimination and hatred against people just because of where they come from were rife. In those days of the yore, many people were ousted from the community for one reason or the other, and some were rendered slaves by conquest.

Those unlucky persons were quarantined away from the main community and thence treated as sub-human beings. They were denied free association with the rest. They were seen, rated and regarded as impure breeds and inferior human beings. By structure and institutions on ground, insiders and outsiders were led to see the victims through the same lens of hatred and discrimination.

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