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BREAKING: NASU, SSANU strike extended for another 2 weeks



The ongoing strike action by the Joint Action Committee of the Non-Academic Staff Union, NASU, and the Senior Staff Association of Nigeria Universities, SSANU, will still linger for another 14 days.

This was made known by the union on Friday.

JAC on Friday by its National President, SSANU, Comrade Mohammed Ibrahim and General Secretary, NASU, Prince Peter A. Adeyemi, respectively, informed members that the strike has been extended by one month.

He said the decision followed the government’s refusal to meet the demands of NASU and SSANU.

“Deriving from the feedback received from our branches in respect of the resolutions conducted which supported fully the ongoing strike and other actions taken by the leadership of JAC, this is to inform members that the strike has been extended by one month to commence on midnight of Sunday, 24th April 2022, pending when the Federal government would have change of heart and be favourably disposed to our demands as highlighted in our letters dated March 1st, 2022, to the representative of the government, the Hon. Minister of Labour and Employment,” the statement said.

“It is obvious that the Government side of the Renegotiation Committee lacks capacity to commit their Principals (the Federal Government) on any issue of the negotiation. This we found to be strange and not in line with the principles of collective bargaining.

“It is shocking and surprising to the Union that at this time when all hands should be on deck to resolve the lingering crisis in the University system in order to enable our children return to the classroom, the Government side of the Renegotiation Committee will show non-commitment and nonchalant attitude to the renegotiation, which is aimed at resolving the crisis. We came to the conclusion that the meeting called was just a window dressing and aimed at playing to the gallery.

“NASU members of the Negotiation Committee therefore had no option than to inform the Government side that they have to go back to their Principals, which are NASU members in the Universities and Inter-University Centres to inform them of the development and get their directives on further steps to take,” the statement added.

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