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Chinmark: What you need to know about the ponzi scheme operated by Marksman Ijomah



According to post their the company’s official website:

Chinmark Group is a leading global conglomerate made up of subsidiaries that provide an opportunity to lighten the burden of living and touch lives via the services she provides. We are interested in delivering excellence, quality and speedy service for customer satisfaction while consistently being transparent, expanding our client base and international legacy.

Chinmark Group was founded and established in Nigeria with corporate offices in Africa, New York and Asia (more locations to come).

We are a pace-setting institution with an objective to build a dynamic system of administration, committed to creating exceptional transparency, clarity and dedication in the business environment. Chinmark Group is outstanding because we bring our services to all and sundry while maintaining excellent service delivery.

Chinmark Group as a parent company was established with a strong focus to provide services that exceed clients’ expectations. With that in mind, we have grown and expanded into major subsidiaries which comprise: Chinmark Homes and Shelter (Construction), Chinmark Farms (Agriculture), Chinmark Rides (Executive Transportation) and Logistics, Chinmark Restaurant & Foods services, Chinmark Medicals, Chinmark Consultancy, and General Contracts.