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Coronavirus: President Xi warns of ‘grave situation’ as China infection spreads



More than 50 million people are on lockdown in China as the government warns the virus is “accelerating its spread”.

China has confirmed 1,372 people have been infected with coronavirus and 54 people have died.

It comes as President Xi Jinping told a politburo meeting the country was facing a “grave situation” where the virus is “accelerating its spread”.

A report on state TV said resources and experts are being concentrated at designated hospitals for treatment of severe cases, with no treatment delayed due to cost, and supplies of materials to Hubei province and its capital Wuhan to be guaranteed.

The latest tally comes from 29 provinces and cities across China and includes 237 patients in serious condition.

All 54 deaths have been in China, including 52 in Hubei province, the epicentre of the outbreak, one each in Hebei and Heilongjiang provinces.

China added three cities to those cut off from transportation, bringing the total to 16 in Hubei province and covering a population greater than that of New York, London, Paris and Moscow combined.

Authorities are trying to limit further spread of the disease by preventing people from leaving Wuhan, the city of 11 million where the outbreak originated, and the surrounding area.