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Deposed Kano Emir, Sanusi hails his deposer, Gov Ganduje for banning controversial Islamic cleric, Nasir-Kabara



Deposed Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi ll, has hailed his former ‘enemy’, Governor Abdullahi Ganduje of Kano State for banning popular Islamic cleric, Abduljabar Nasir-Kabara.

According to reports, the Kano State Government banned Nasir-Kabara for alleged inciteful preaching. He was also accused of an “uncompromising stance” against Sunni practices.

However, Nasir-Kabara has said he was banned from preaching in the state because he worked against Ganduje’s re-election in 2019.

Sanusi, during his lecture series from Oxford on Monday, UK, commended Ganduje who deposed him from his position as the Emir of Kano in 2020, for taking the “proactive step” in curbing looming chaos in the state.

The former governor of the Central Bank said Muslims in Kano are strict followers of the path of “Ahlussuna wal Jama’a” and are ready to reject anybody that brings alien innovations into the religion of Islam in the state.

He stressed that the people of the state had chosen to follow the path of late Sheikh Usman Danfodio who lived his life on the legacy of sticking to the traditions of the Holy Prophet and disregarding innovations in the religion.

He said: “The decision taken by the state government is commendable. We must commend the governor for taking the bold decision.

“I urge Muslims, especially in Kano, to continue to stand firmly on the legacy of Sheikh Usman Danfodio, that is the legacy of Ahlussuna wal jama’a.

“We are ready to reject anybody that tries to bring alien innovations into our religion. We will show him that Kano would not be a place for that strange religious practices.”

In a similar vein, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has hailed the Kano government for banning Nasir-Kabara.

MURIC, in a statement signed by its director, Ishaq Akintola, said: “There have been complaints of erratic preaching against Shaykh Kabara for quite some time. Coming from the Tijaniyyah Sufi order, Sunni Muslims have lodged lots of complaints against him in the past,” the statement read.

“They even accused him of abusing the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). This is a very sensitive and volatile issue that can set not only the city of Kano on fire but the whole north.

“We commend Governor Ganduje for taking this proactive step. A stitch in time saves nine. This is not the time to allow the outbreak of religious crisis. Trouble makers are waiting out there to capitalize on any little breakdown of law and order to foment trouble. They will seize any little opportunity to cause mayhem. This is why the governor deserves a pat in the back. We hope other state governors will act promptly to nip every crisis that rears its ugly head in the bud. Nigeria needs peace to develop.

“Nonetheless, we advise the Kano State Government to open the mosque for worshippers if Shaykh Kabara is ready to give an undertaking of peaceful and good conduct. He must also pledge to desist from delivering inciting sermons.

“Finally, the government should set rules and guidelines for the coming debate between Shaykh Kabara and Sunni scholars. The rules should not only guide the scholars but the audience as well. Government is advised to avoid a live television coverage. We believe that a recorded television debate to be watched after the recording is preferable in order to avoid unpalatable spontaneous reactions from the public.”