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El-zakzaky: School girl dies in Abuja Shi’ite protest



A peaceful protest by supporters of the spiritual leader of the proscribed Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN), otherwise known as Shi’ite, at Wuse market, Abuja, on Wednesday, turned violent when policemen tried to disperse the gathering.

IMN members have been protesting over the detention of Ibraheem El-Zakzaky, their spiritual leader, who has been in DSS detention since 2015.

The violence, as gathered, led to the death of a yet-to-be-identified female secondary school student who obviously, was caught by a stray bullet from a yet-to-be-identified policeman.

Two journalists, who were covering the protest were arrested. One of the arrested reporters was identified as Afolabi Sotunde of Reuters, an international media organization.
The Fderal Government had outlawed the IMN following several violent clashes between IMN members and security operatives that had led to the death of several people including security officials and passersby.
In July, Precious Owolabi, a trainee journalist with Channels Television and a Deputy Commissioner of Police, Usman Umar, were among those killed during several violent protest s n Abuja and elsewhere.