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Ganduje under fresh fire over new emirates



Twelve elders in Kano State have accused the state governor, Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, of working “tirelessly” to destroy the legacy of Kano Emirate Council, remarking that his insistence on creating four additional emirate councils was appalling, misguided and dictatorial.

The elders led by former presidential candidate of the National Republican Convention (NRC), Bashir Othman Tofa and the former Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives, Ghali Umar Na’abba, regretted that despite cautions from a wide spectrum of individuals for the governor to apply reason and rectitude, he went ahead to sign into law, the obnoxious bill.

“As elders, who are sincerely concerned with the unity, wellbeing and progress of the people of Kano State, we consider this singular act by the governor (along with many similar inactions upon which the citizens have expressed their dissatisfaction) appalling, misguided and dictatorial,” they stated.

“We view, with great concern, the impunity with which the governor of Kano State has been running the affairs of the state in total disregard to the wish and aspirations of the people. We hereby call on the governor to, in the interest of unity, peace and progress of Kano State, immediately cause the repeal of the obnoxious law, creating the new emirates.