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Hardship: Why I won’t abandon Tinubu govt – Seyi Law



Nigerian comedian, Oluwaseyitan Aletile, popularly known as Seyi Law, has reiterated his commitment to supporting the government he voted into power, expressing optimism that the country’s economic situation will improve.

Seyi Law, who was a staunch supporter of President Bola Tinubu during the 2023 election campaign and has continued to defend the government since its assumption of power, addressed criticisms he faced on social media amidst worsening economic conditions.

In a post on his social media handle, Seyi Law stated, “I laugh not at your pains, and I know there’s a lot of hardship right now. The fact that I supported a different candidate from you isn’t to spite you but out of my belief that my candidate will achieve a better Nigeria.”

Asserting his allegiance to the government he voted for, Seyi Law emphasized that he cannot abandon them but rather intends to collaborate with them to bring relief to Nigerians.

The comedian revealed that he is currently in Abuja engaging with government officials to explore avenues to offer hope to Nigerians. He expressed optimism that under the current administration, the cost of governance would reduce, the minimum wage would increase, and food affordability would improve.