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I ‘ve not raised any militia – Ortom 



By Jimin Geoffrey


Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom has reiterated that his administration has not raised any militia as being speculated in some quarters.


Governor Ortom spoke Wednesday October 6th, 2021 when he received the Chairman Middlebelt Brain Trust, MBT and former Chief of Defence Staff, retired General Martin Luther Agwai and his delegation at the Benue Peoples House Makurdi on a courtesy call.


Minister of Special Duties and Intergovernmental Affairs, Senator George Akume on August 30, 2021 at a press conference in Abuja accused the Ortom-led administration of raising an army in the state which he claimed had stockpiled arms.


But the Governor while making his remarks during the courtesy visit accused those making such allegations as enemies of the state who have taken sides with oppressors of Benue in order to protect their meal tickets.


He maintained that he has never contemplated raising any militia for any reason.


Governor Ortom lamented that Benue people are going through a lot of pains in the hands of Fulani militia, saying the presidency is aware that Fulani militia were brought from other countries into Nigeria with the sole purpose of taking over the land.


He stated that the testimony by the former Chief of Army Staff that some members of his delegation could not make it to Makurdi confirmed the security situation in Benue occasioned by militia herdsmen who also obstructed movement on the Makurdi-Lafia road yesterday.


The Governor expressed worry that despite the long stay of Internally Displaced Persons in various camps, no meaningful intervention had come from the Federal Government as it’s done in other states of the country.


The Governor lamented that people who hitherto survived on farming have been forced out of their homes for years running.


Governor Ortom described the former Chief of Defence Staff who had also served as the Chief of Army Staff as an experienced military officer whose experience on security and peace building is critical to the development of Nigeria.


He pledged the support of his administration to any genuine process that would lead to peace in Benue and Nigeria at large.


Retired General Agwai in a remark said he was in the state to meet with the Governor and stakeholders in order to have first hand information on the cause of crises after which views would be collated and recommendations made for necessary action.


He stated that MBT was a sixteen member apolitical group affiliated with the Institute for Integrated Transition, Barcelona, Spain working in all the states of the North Central and has taken upon itself to traverse the region to find lasting solution to crisis.