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Jubilation in Makurdi as Benue Links Park wears new look [PHOTOS]



The Benue State Government, led by Governor Rev Fr Dr Hyacinth Iormem Alia, has successfully transformed the Benue Links Park in Makurdi, thanks to the efforts of Comrade Alex Fanafa, General Manager of Benue Links.

The park’s remarkable transformation showcases the government’s commitment to development and innovation. The revamped facilities, improved infrastructure, and enhanced services have made the park more accessible and user-friendly, contributing to the city’s rejuvenation.

Comrade Alex Fanafa and the Benue Links team have been praised for their hard work and dedication. The new Benue Links Park Makurdi sets a new standard for public infrastructure in the state and serves as a hub for community engagement and activity.

The revitalized park is a testament to the impact of visionary leadership, strategic planning, and a commitment to excellence. The people of Benue State can take pride in this achievement, which has brought joy and progress to the community.