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Methodist Church Nigeria holds service of song in honour of late PS Ngbede



By John Anthony Ikwulono

Methodist Church Nigeria on Thursday 23rd January 2020, held Service of Songs at the Makurdi residence of Pa Peter Sule Ngbede, Uncle to the State Chairman of PDP Benue State, Hon Sir John Ngbede to bid the deceased (Late PS Ngbede) last respect.

Very Reverend A.S Omafu from Federal Low-cost Makurdi, in his words of exaltation, quoted the book of John 14:1-6, 27 where he talked about the many Mansions prepared for the children of God in heaven for believers on the last day.

In a similar vein, Rev. Dan Ochekawo also from Federal Low-cost preached on the topic: “Short life Span”, said, human beings born of woman had short life span which he said according to Job:14:1 is full of many troubles, hence the need to reexamine ones life before the last day which remained unknown according to the preacher.

Rev Ogaba Isaac Ogaba from Lagos prayed for everyone in attendance, committing the lives of everyone into the hands of God as they travel to Obagaji later today by 2pm after which the remains of Pa PS Ngbede would be laid to rest on Friday, 24th January 2020.

Prayers were offered to the deceased family members.

Deaconess Rosemary Ogaba led the Service of Songs by coordinating the activities.

The body of Former Sole Administrator Agatu Local Government Council and Former Permanent Secretary Ministry of Commerce and Industries Benue State, departs Makurdi for his home town Obagaji Agatu on Thursday 23rd January 2020.

Wake holds same day while internment comes up on Friday 24th January 2020.

May his soul rest in peace amen.

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