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MTN top staff, Lynda Saint Obi wanted by police for alleged murder



Following a court order, the Nigerian Police Force Zone 2 Command has allegedly initiated a manhunt for a top MTN Nigeria officer.

Lynda Amobi (formerly Lynda Saint-Nwafor); Executive, MTN Enterprise Business Unit and estranged wife of Nollywood star actor Saint Obi, is said to be on the run from police arrest, prompting a manhunt based on a Warrant of Arrest issued by the High Court of Ota, Ogun State for violating numerous court orders based on a divorce petition (Suit No: HCT/128/2019) filed by Petitioner, Mr Saint Obi.

One of the charges allegedly hanging on her neck is a criminal case of “Attempted Murder on Saint Obi’s Life” instituted against her and her brothers, Michael Amobi and Chukwumobi Amobi

Other charges slammed on Ms Amobi include alleged “imprisonment” of the children of the troubled marriage; Using Mobile Police to guard the children without the permission of the father; and denying the children access to their father, Saint Obi, from 2019 till date.

This web site discovered that the divorce case could be linked to the reason Lynda Amobi, formerly Lynda Saint Obi, was recently removed as MTN Nigeria’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO).