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Ortom’s wife donates relief materials to IDPs in her hometown



The First Lady of Benue State, Dr (Mrs) Eunice Ortom Wednesday, 12th May 2021 visited the Agagbe and Aondoana IDP camps housing over 24,000 victims of recent attacks by suspected killer herdsmen in Gwer West Local Government Area.

The Governor’s wife sympathized with them over the lost of lives and Properties as well encouraged them not to loss hope as government was doing everything possible to bring lasting peace and resettle them back to their ancestral homes.

In his remarks, the Executive Secretary of the State Emergency Management Agency said over 24,000 recently displaced persons were at the two camps as at last count, and over a million persons displaced as a result of same attacks across the state.

The Items presented by Mrs Ortom included Bags of Rice, Noodles, Vegetable oil, Buckets, Mats, Blankets, Mosquito nets, clothes and other household items in various quantities.