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Peace Corps of Nigeria marks 21 anniversary



By: Patriot Millicent Umoru -Osakwua

Hurray !!! 🇲🇱🇳🇬


Unemployment is a real concern in all areas of the world. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, as of 3rd quarter of 2018, about 55.4% of the Labour Force (young people) between the ages of 15-34 years is unemployed. The negative effects of unemployment on the society outweigh the positive effects.

Being unemployed can lead to depression, low self esteem, anxiety as well as other mental and physical issues, especially when an individual actually needs a job and the enabling environment is not created, tension can set in, thereby causing stress and strain on the body.
It is the social responsibility of the government to create or provide an enabling environment for employment of the work force which would also build the economy of the country. The human cost of unemployment alone would justify making a low level of unemployment an important public policy priority. But unemployment also includes economic costs to the boarder society. When millions of unemployed but willing workers cannot get engaged, an economic resource is going unused. An economy with high unemployment is like a company operating with a functional but unused factory. The opportunity cost of unemployment is the output that could have been produced by the unemployed workers.

It is a known fact that when unemployment rate increase, crime rates tend to rise. According to the study in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology in 2016, individuals who are unemployed are more likely to engage in criminal activities such as; Burglary, Robbery, Kidnapping, Murder, Rape etc.
Peace Corps of Nigeria (PCN), a uniform youth organisation that is committed to promoting National Creativity, Peace and Youth Development was established 21 years ago with the sole aim to Empower, Develop and Provide Gainful Employment for the Youth, to Facilitate Peace, Volunteerism, Community Service, Nation Building, Neighborhood Watch and other related matters. With a vision to impact and inculcate on Nigeria Youth Right Ethics, Values, High Sense of Discipline and Respect for the Rule of Law, Constituted Authorities and Democratic Principles towards advancing the course of Patriotism and Selfless Services. We therefore call on the APC Government to yield to the yeanings of the youths of this nation as we seek the Bill to establish the Nigerian Peace Corps that will give statutory backing to the already existing Peace Corps of Nigeria.

We applaud the National Commandant, Amb. DrDickson Akoh for the initiative of setting up the organization. On this special occasion of her 21 years of existence as an organisation. We celebrate this day with satisfaction of service as well as relief to Nigeria Youths for keeping their hopes alive as we encourage their effort for a better tomorrow.
It is important to state that, the past 21 years have not been a bed of roses most particularly the recent years which had come with so much anticipation as well as temporary setbacks but for our zeal, here we are still strong, united and growing.

With special gratitude to the National Commandant, Amb. (Dr) Dickson A.O Akoh, the organisation has transformed so incredibly into a world class body with both national and international recognitions. His philanthropic character and astute leadership style has taken PCN to the enviable heights it has attained today, even tough times and challenges have not deterred him rather, and here we are waxing stronger.
On this blissful day of our 21st Anniversary, We congratulate all officers and men of the Corps for their steadfastness and commitment to service, for we are optimistic that there is a light at the fore front of this pursuit while urging all to continue the journey of success with pride as we hope for the best in no distant time; this is the beginning of a success story that will continue for many years. I wish you all happiness, and many more years of success.

🇲🇱 Congratulations 🎉🎊 on our Anniversary 🇳🇬
Patriot Millicent Umoru -Osakwua
Corps Public Relations Officer.

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