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PEPT: Atiku, Peter Obi to challenge judgment at Supreme Court



The aggrieved presidential candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Abubakar Atiku, and the Labour Party’s Peter Obi have declared their intent to challenge the judgments of the Presidential Election Tribunal at the Supreme Court. This announcement was made shortly after the Tribunal pronounced their respective petitions as dismissed.

On Wednesday, both Atiku and Obi publicly disclosed their decisions to pursue their legal challenges at the highest court in the land, signaling their determination to exhaust all available legal avenues.

Chief Chris Uche, SAN, representing Atiku, wasted no time in initiating the process, requesting the Tribunal to provide him with a copy of the judgment to facilitate the filing of an appeal on behalf of the former Vice President. Uche conveyed that Atiku, although disappointed with the Tribunal’s verdict, was resolute in his pursuit of justice through the appeals process.

In a similar vein, Livy Uzoukwu, SAN, who serves as the lead counsel for Peter Obi, confirmed that his client had instructed him to challenge the judgment at the Supreme Court. Uzoukwu expressed bewilderment over the Tribunal’s decision to allow live coverage of the judgment, contrasting it with their earlier stance against the live telecast of proceedings.

Responding to Atiku’s request for a copy of the judgment, Chairman of the Tribunal, Justice Haruna Simon Tsammani, assured that clean copies would be made available to both legal teams on Thursday, facilitating their preparations to appeal the decisions to the Supreme Court.