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Scores injured, vigilante arrested as gunmen attack Fulani settlement in Oyo 



Following the attack on a Fulani settlement in Idigba, in the Olomi area of Ogbomoso, Oyo State, a member of the local Vigilante Group has been nabbed his alleged involvement in the attack.

Iskilu Akinsanya, the state Commandant of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), who disclosed this while parading the suspect in Ibadan on Tuesday, gave the vigilante’s name as Tajudeen Sheu.

He said his men received a distress call from the Chairman of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association in Ogbomoso, Muhammad Mahmud, on Tuesday morning that some hoodlums had attacked their settlement and the NSCDC swung into action to arrest the suspect.

“There was an attack on the Fulani settlement in Idigba, Olomi by some hoodlums numbering about six. The Agro Ranger in Ogbomoso/Oyo Axis swung into action and a suspect named Tajudeen Sheu, a vigilante in a VGN attire, was arrested,” Isikalu said.

“One red Bajaj motorcycle with Osun State registration number EKG 100 UP, a single barrelled local gun, cutlasses, petrol in a bottle, torchlight and a local charm were recovered from him, the suspect.”

The suspect told journalists that was attacked by an unknown person in the night, so he went to attack the community with five other team members, who are still at large.

The commandant who paraded the suspect warned Nigerians not to take the law into their own hands but report or lodge complaint with security agencies.

He also said that the victims of the attack had been rescue and taken to Obafemi Hospital in Ogbomoso.