Following the recent drama between Nigerian crossdressers, James Brown and Bobrisky, who were like best friends before their social media war, Brown has found another bestie...
Popular cross dresser and male barbie doll, Okuneye Idris Olarenwaju alias Bobrisky, has finally opened up on his rumoured beef with Nollywood diva, Tonto Dikeh. Taking...
Clifford Oche, now known as Miss Sahhara has slammed Cross – Dressers , Bobrisky and James Brown for trying to painting LGBT community bad with their...
Controversial crossdresser James Brown has taken to social media with some allegations against fellow crossdresser Idris Okuneye aka Bobrisky. Brown in his video claimed that Bobrisky...
Big brother Naija, BBNaija disqualified housemate, Erica has confirmed receiving the sum of N1m from Nigerian crossdresser, Bobrisky. Recall that before Erica was disqualified from the...
Director-General of the National Council for Arts and Culture, Otunba Olusegun Runsewe, has vowed to deal with Popular Nigerian Male Barbie, Okuneye Idris Olarenwaju, widely known...
Idris Okuneye, also known as Bobrisky has claimed that he has done his introduction. According to the cross dresser, this is his first marriage introduction and...