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Two dead as herdsmen attack Agatu



Again, unidentified gunmen reportedly waylaid and killed two Agatu youths in the late hours of Wednesday, May 7, 2024.

The victims, identified as Isaac Adanu and Cletus Ojotu, both indigenes of Odejo Community, were on their way home from Makurdi when they were ambushed and killed along the Ogbaulu-Odugbeho road.

As of the time of filing this report, those responsible and the reason for their gruesome murder are not known. However, an indigene of Odejo Community, who wishes not to be named, accused the people of Ogbaulu of being responsible.

“Ogbaulu people have been accusing our people for the death of their three youths killed last Friday and have been planning to attack our people for the past four days,” he said.

Killings by unknown gunmen have become frequent in the three neighboring communities of Agatu LGA.

This latest killing brings the number of youths killed by yet-to-be-identified gunmen to nine.

It can be recalled that unknown gunmen, in separate attacks in the past few days, killed seven youths of Ogbaulu community, namely: Edoh Alhassan, Echewija Edoh, Simon Emmanuel, Annes Salihu, David Simon, Adanu Nathan, and Idu Ohili from Egba.