Why helicopter conveying Herbert Wigwe, family crashed – US lawyer, Robert Clifford

Robert Clifford, a prominent United States aviation lawyer, has asserted that the tragic helicopter crash which resulted in the deaths of Herbert Wigwe, Group Chief Executive Officer of Access Holdings, his family, and others in California, could potentially have been prevented.
In a press statement published on the company’s website, Clifford, Founder and Senior Partner of Clifford Law Offices in Chicago, conveyed his concerns regarding the circumstances surrounding the crash.
The Airbus Helicopter EC130B4 went down near the border between California and Nevada, claiming the lives of Wigwe, his wife Doreen, his son Chizi, and Abimola Ogunbanjo, a former Group Chairman of the Nigerian Stock Exchange.
Clifford’s statement highlights the importance of investigating the incident thoroughly, particularly considering the prevailing weather conditions at the time of the crash.
He stated, “The crash of a helicopter that killed six people including a top Nigerian banker and his family along the California-Nevada border Saturday night immediately strikes one as a tragedy that may have been avoided given the known weather conditions at that time.”