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“The new trends of Deeper Life Bible Church Worldwide”



[This post is not made to cast any aspersions on PAPA KUMUYI or the deeper life bible church.

In the late 80s, As a young convert, I attended the DBC also, I think this new trends should be addressed as a matter of urgency]

I woke up to see a troubling image of a lady without a head scarf or covering inside a deeper life church service, I am yet to recover.

I can’t remember the last time my wife went to church with me without a head covering.
Why is the devil’s box now a means of reaching or preaching the gospel?

Why is a limousine now a tool for gospel?

Why is opening of hair or praying uncovered now allowed inside the church, even while the G.O is ministering?

Why do people now wed wearing wedding gowns?

Why are gospel hip hop singers and contemporary artist now invited to deeper life bible church?

And lots more…..

Was the holy spirit confused before?

Christianity shouldn’t become a means of enslavement.

So many were hurt with TV is a sin sermons, but now it’s no more a sin etc.

Where is the “….holiness unto the Lord, now and forever” that we sang from the hymn?

I am asking this same questions that’s on the hearts of many who cannot speak.

I think Papa Kumuyi needs to help our understanding. The changing trends are a little to much.

Whether we hear from the holy spirit or we misinterpreted his message, a lot of damage can be done to so many who follow us.


#JohnEgahPage John Egah

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